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PPC Management

Paid Search and Display ads tailored to your business.

Paid Search &
designed for

Many businesses come to us because they haven’t been able to make paid search work for them in the past—but their success skyrocketed with infinite Commerce. What did we do differently?

Our paid search and display strategies are tailored to every client: no two strategies are exactly the same. This includes designing your campaigns around the taxonomy of your site, your specific products, and targeting unique remarketing audiences. We don’t use vague demographics for remarketing—our audiences are made according to purchase intent using your actual customers from your site traffic.

Your tailored account management doesn’t stop there. We go the extra mile by incorporating dayparting, dynamic campaigns, and device modifiers for your ads so you can be sure you’re always operating at maximum efficiency.

Profitable Paid

Custom strategies designed to maximize your profit at every turn

Highly-Targeted Remarketing Ads

Put your ads in front of shoppers who are most likely to convert.

Sophisticated In-House Tools

Combine advanced bidding tools, sophisticated analysis, and analyst expertise to maximize your profit.


We tailor our strategy to drive radical increases in the profitability and efficiency of your business. The four pillars of our paid search and display strategy are:


Leverage the power of your product feed to ensure your customers see exactly the products they’re interested in, when they’re ready to purchase.


We don’t manage your accounts to meet ROAS targets, impression goals, or ad rank. Our analysts first focus on maximizing profit for you.


We segment your remarketing audiences according to where your customers are in their buyers’ journey and reflect that in your bids.


Using device modifiers, we ensure your bids have an equal impact across all devices. In a profit-driven system, every device type will produce an equal rate of profit.


Paid search and display ads perform best when built on campaigns designed around your products. That’s why we use your site taxonomy to segment your campaigns.


Find out when your ads are most successful and capitalize on it. You’ll spend less when your ads aren’t likely to perform, and more when you know you’ll succeed.

Profit-Driven Paid Search & Display

Know that your paid search ads appear in front of qualified shoppers, at the most valuable times of the day. We thoroughly test your paid search ads to find the best conditions for your ads to succeed. We apply rigorous keyword analysis, continuous A/B testing, and sophisticated dayparting, RLSA, and device strategies to grow profit for your business.

Our paid search management includes:

Audience Targeting

At infinite Commerce, we don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach to display and remarketing. We build highly targeted audiences based on your customers and website traffic – not a mysterious demographic segment. Our analysts apply expert knowledge of the purchase funnel and customer intent, to ensure your spend is directed to ads that appear in front of people who are ready to convert

For example, someone who views your site once may hold a different value for your business than a shopper who added items to their cart. By building remarketing audiences based on your traffic, you get the most out of your ad spend. Our remarketing also includes:

PPC Strategies to grow
your profit

We don’t manage your accounts to meet ROAS targets, impression goals, or ad rank. Our analysts first focus on maximizing profit for you. Profitable keywords and phrases from other channels like Amazon and Google Shopping are collected, analyzed, and included in your campaigns. Then, display bids are updated regularly to ensure you’re driving as much profit as possible.

We’ll work with you to develop cost assumptions for search and display campaigns as well, to show the full impact of search and display on business goals. These strategies are proven to produce growth even years after launch.

Hallmarks of our profit-driven bidding include:

Let’s grow
your business,
And your profit

Reach out today for a free, customized analysis of your account to see how much more profit you could make with infinite Commerce .

From there, you can decide if infinite Commerce is right for your business. You’re not locked in to anything when you fill out this form—other than free information to help you grow your business


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